Based in the Carpathian Basin we have a good number of White-tailed Eagles concentrating here during the winter. However, the local breeding population is growing in a good pace, bird from the North are still building a good mass of the wintering population in and around the Hortobágy National Park. Following the huge flocks of wild goose they appear in the region late Autumn and stay until the breeding season starts in late winter or in case of immature birds even longer.

Scrolling down please see a selection of images taken by our guest from our hides. Our congratulations goes to every successful photographer and our thanks are also going for those who shared and let us use their pictures here.

Adult White-tailed Eagle calling captured from the Well Hide by ©Björn Reibert
Juvenile Eastern Imperial Eagle photographed from the Buzzard Hide by ©Ferenc Szabó
Eastern Imperial Eagle by ©Ferenc Szabó

We had a special season not just at our Eagle but in front of the Buzzard hide as well. We had a Long-legged Buzzard and Saker Falcon coming in front of our guests regularly. Both species are specialties of the more eastern regions, the Saker reaching its Easternmost distribution in the Carpathian Basin.

Male Saker Falcon struggling in the wind. Image by ©Pál Marchhart
Fly-by of the male Saker Falcon captured by ©Francesco Canton
The size difference between Common and Long-legged Buzzard is quite obvious. Image by ©Ferenc Szabó

Our Eagle hides were successfully operating throughout the season. The Well Hide sometimes had more then a hundred Eagles in front of it while Eagle Hide nr.1 was giving great opportunities for flight shots. Eagle Hide nr.2 had moderate number of eagles at the same time providing a better chance for a ‘clear’ background, also it had Imperial Eagle the most times and Saker Falcon regularly as well.

Approaching White-tailed Eagle from Eagle Hide nr. 1 by ©Imre Kovács
Adult White-tailed Eagle from Eagle Hide nr.1 by ©Imre Kovács
Immature White-tailed Eagle fighting the wind. Taken from the Well Hide by ©Björn Reibert
Immature White-tailed Eagle in flight by ©Francesco Canton
Adult White-tailed Eagle facing hte hide in flight. Image by ©Imre Kovács
Sunbathing White-tailed Eagle by ©Árpád Szabó

Sakertour’s Team

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